Alexandria, VA - Front Royal, VA


We can assist in providing full services upon a Muslim’s death.  To have a Funeral prayer led at at the Khatme Nubuwwat Center or to have the imam preside over the enshroudment, showering, and/or burial procedures, please write to us on the contact page.

Funeral Home:

1. Alfirdaus Jinnazah Services LLC

7903 Hill Park Ct #8, Lorton, VA 22079

Phone: (703) 927-6917


1. All Muslim Association of America

1112 Brooke Rd, Fredericksburg, VA 22405

Phone: (703) 822-3372

2. Al-Firdaus Memorial Gardens

3845 New Design Rd. Frederick, MD 21703

Phone: (202) 486-3257​